“Our Creategy branding process is the result of over twenty years of practice and refinement.”

—  Al Bergeron, President

The DNA behind our clients' brands

CREATEGY (krê´ a´ te jê)  [create, to start something different, the science of planning and direction] is a strategic planning system by which the branding process and the creative process are integrated in a manner that produces big ideas for marketing communications programs that achieve measurable results.

    Stand for something. We immerse ourselves in your culture, competition and industry trends to identify key factors that differentiate your brand from the competition, making you the only choice for the target audience.
    Think radically different. We explore compelling concepts, looking for those really big ideas to emerge that will flow and adapt to market changes, your competitive responses and target audience preferences.
    Start a conversation. An integration blueprint maps your specific brand goals, strategies and tactics into a touchpoint path. This creates a systematic marketing communications infrastructure that is web-centric utilizing online, print and social media.
    Stay two steps ahead. Big believers in a launch strategy, we also think that rigid planning calls for too many compromises. By remaining flexible we can respond to your unexpected opportunities more effectively.
    Room to grow. We apply forward thinking, by pursuing innovative ideas that maintain your campaign momentum by constantly improving your ability to attract and engage the target audience based on their behavior.
    Actions speak louder. Metrics is a key component to your branding initiative. By predetermining touchpoint benchmarks, we can determine your campaign effectiveness by gathering and analyzing behavioral data.
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Find out how the CREATEGY branding process can help your brand WIN!

Call us at 617-834-4840 | al@bergeroncreative.com